Pre AP Element Names And Symbols Pt.1 Question Preview (ID: 54133)

These Are Half The Element Symbols You Need To Know. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the symbol for Hydrogen?
a) H
b) He
c) Hy

What is the symbol for Carbon?
a) Ca
b) Co
c) C
d) Cu

What is the symbol for Nickle?
a) N
b) Ni
c) Nk
d) Nl

What is the element symbol for Lithium?
a) L
b) Lt
c) Lm
d) Li

What is the symbol for Heilum?
a) He
b) H
c) Hl
d) Hy

What is the symbol for Arsenic?
a) A
b) Al
c) As
d) Ar

What is the symbol for Copper?
a) C
b) Co
c) Cu
d) Cp

What's the symbol for Neon?
a) N
b) Ne
c) Ni
d) No

What's the symbol for gold?
a) Ag
b) Au
c) Al
d) Gl

What's the symbol for Silver?
a) Ag
b) Au
c) Al
d) Si

What is the symbol for fluorine?
a) Fl
b) Fo
c) F
d) Fe

What's the symbol for Iron
a) Ir
b) I
c) Fl
d) Fe

What is the symbol for Nitrogen?
a) Ni
b) Nt
c) N
d) Ng

What's the symbol for Sodium?
a) S
b) Na
c) So
d) No

What is the symbol for Calcium?
a) Ca
b) Co
c) Cl
d) C

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