Greece Vocabulary 2020-2021 Question Preview (ID: 54130)

Vocabulary 2020-2021. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) Government in the hands of one person
b) Government where one person seizes power
c) A fortress on a hill
d) Stories about the origins of the gods

a) City-State
b) Government where one person seizes power
c) Government in the hands of one person
d) Love of knowledge and wisdom

a) Love of knowledge and wisdom
b) An open-air performance area
c) Stories about the origins of the gods
d) Government where a few people share power

a) Government where people rule
b) Government where a few people share power
c) City-State
d) A fortress on a hill

a) A fortress on a hill
b) Government in the hands of one person
c) An open-air performance area
d) Stories about the origins of the gods

a) Government where a few people share power
b) City-State
c) Government where one person seizes power
d) A fortress on a hill

a) An open-air performance area
b) Stories about the origins of the gods
c) Love of knowledge and wisdom
d) Government where people rule

a) Stories about the origins of the gods
b) Love of knowledge and wisdom
c) Government where people rule
d) Government where a few people share power

a) Government where one person seizes power
b) Government where people rule
c) A fortress on a hill
d) City-State

a) Government where people rule
b) Government where one person seizes power
c) Government where a few people share power
d) Government in hands of one person

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