Comprehensive Review Question Preview (ID: 54128)

1st, 2nd And 3rd Six Weeks. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Prior to the American Revolution colonists were not allowed to settle west of?
a) Rocky Mountains
b) Sierra Nevada Mountains
c) Appalachian Mountains
d) Mount Everest

+Distance from Great Britain +Mayflower Compact +Town Hall meetings The factors listed above contributed most to the-----
a) creation of alliances between British settlers and American Indians
b) Election of British colonist to Parliment
c) Growth of representative government in the British Colonies
d) expansion of British trade in the Americas

Which European countries explored the new world for Social Reasons such as converting native americans, and economic reasons like gold and fur trade?
a) France and England
b) Spain and England
c) Spain and France

The Southern states wanted to count each slave as part of the population because
a) Slaves increased how much they could collect in taxes
b) Slaves would increase the states representation in the Legislature
c) Slaves would help states get more land
d) Slaves would work on the plantations

Which strong feature of the Articles of Confederation created a method for western territories to become states?
a) The ability to sign peace treaties
b) Northwest Ordinance
c) Shays' Rebellion
d) 60,000 Ordinance

Why were the American Colonist taxed after the French and Indian War?
a) They made too much money
b) That was the agreement with the Native Americans
c) Britain needed to pay off debts incurred in fighting the war
d) Townshend Acts

What document replaced the Articles of Confederation and established a new national government?
a) The Declaration of Independence
b) The Constitution
c) The Magna Carta
d) The English Bill of Rights

How did the development of plantations lead to increase demand for slaves?
a) Plantations produced large amounts of food that slaves could consume
b) Plantations were located in the Americas
c) Africans had extensive experience in managing plantations
d) Plantations required enormous amounts of labor

The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the war because it
a) brought France into the war as an American ally.
b) liberated Georgia from British control.
c) forced the British to leave Canada.
d) ended General Burgoyne's career.

What document was written in 1787?
a) Articles of Confederation
b) Common Sense
c) Declaration of Independence
d) U.S. Constitution

What were some examples of taxation without representation?
a) Stamp Act, Tea Act, Quartering Act
b) Stamp Act, Townshend Act, Sugar Act
c) Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Quartering Act

Colonists were used to having this type of government that was influenced by the Mayflower compact and Fundamental Orders Of Connecticut?
a) Communism
b) Monarchy
c) Self-Government

Why were Colonists upset about the new tax laws ?
a) They lacked representation in Parliament
b) They didn't allow them to continue to tar and feather the tax collectors
c) They wanted to get rid of Mercantilism

The President… shall have Power, by which the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.
a) Separation of Powers
b) Limited Government
c) Individual Rights
d) Checks and Balances

The powers not delegated to the United States… are reserved to the States respectively…
a) Republicanism
b) Seperation of Powers
c) Federalism
d) Checks and Balances

What battle is considered the last major battle of the American Revolution where Cornwallis surrenders to Washington?
a) Saratoga
b) Yorktown
c) Lexington and Concord
d) Gettysburg

What is the name of the act that closed Boston Harbor as a Punishment for the Boston Tea Party?
a) Stamp Act
b) Sugar Act
c) Intolerable Act
d) Townshend Act

Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) Samuel Adams
d) Paul Revere

Which Constitutional principle states that people hold the supreme power?
a) Republicanism
b) Federalism
c) Federalism
d) Popular Sovereignty

Which Constitutional principle divides powers of the government among three separate branches: executive, legislative, and judicial?
a) Separation of Powers
b) Checks and Balances
c) Limited Government
d) Popular Sovereignty

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