Identifying Group Roles Question Preview (ID: 54117)

This Game Is To Test Your Knowledge On Identifying Group Roles. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who proposes ideas, initiates discussions, and moves groups to new areas of exploration?
a) Initiator/contributor
b) Information giver
c) Opinion giver
d) Orienter

What is a positive of zoom group meetings?
a) Reduced team collaboration
b) Increased flexibility
c) Limited team-building
d) Harder to read body language

What is a negative of zoom group meetings?
a) Supports larger audiences
b) Creates more availability
c) Easier one-on-one collaboration
d) Harder to dismiss negative behavior

Who uses the group meetings to draw personal attention to themselves and brag about their accomplishments?
a) Self-confessor
b) Recognition seeker
c) Disruptor/ jokester
d) Dominator

Who offers to change his or her position for the good of the group. They want to meet others half way?
a) Compromiser
b) Harmonizer
c) Encourager
d) Follower

Who gets the group going and they stimulate the group to take further action?
a) Orienter
b) Opinion seeker
c) Energizer
d) Contributer

Who is always looking for sympathy, act helpless, and that they can't do anything?
a) Help seeker
b) Special interest pleader
c) Self-confessor
d) Recognition seeker

Who regulates the flow of communication and makes sure all members have a chance to express themselves and contribute their ideas?
a) Harmonizer
b) Gatekeper/Expediter
c) Observer/Commentator
d) Follower

Why is It harder to dismiss negative behavior over zoom?
a) It's harder to kick someone out
b) You can't just hang up
c) Cannot talk over one another so you have to let them say what they want to
d) Increased number of people

Who takes other people's ideas and expand on them and they look at the consequences of proposed ideas and actions?
a) Elaborator
b) Co-ordinator
c) Evaluator
d) Recorder

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