Wildcat Words Dec. 7-11 Question Preview (ID: 54087)

Wildcat Words With Definitions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a strong reason to act or do something
a) pragmatic
b) motivation
c) criteria
d) justify

concentrating on practical results and facts instead of opinion
a) pragmatic
b) motivation
c) criteria
d) justify

an opening statement that prepares us for what is to come
a) predominant
b) significant
c) contradict
d) preamble

assert the opposite of a statement
a) predominant
b) significant
c) contradict
d) preamble

of great importance
a) predominant
b) significant
c) contradict
d) preamble

most important or strongest
a) predominant
b) significant
c) contradict
d) preamble

a statement, reason, or fact for or against a point of view
a) claim
b) counterclaim
c) argument
d) prudent

having wisdom with the future in mind
a) claim
b) counterclaim
c) argument
d) prudent

the response given by someone who disagrees with the claim
a) claim
b) counterclaim
c) argument
d) prudent

an idea you believe to be true and can support with evidence
a) claim
b) counterclaim
c) argument
d) prudent

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