Vocab Review 1-3 Question Preview (ID: 54086)

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a passage taken from a larger text
a) excerpt
b) abyss
c) parable
d) vigil

based on reasoning and logic
a) dregs
b) rational
c) mercenary
d) negligent

rude; unmannerly
a) servile
b) discordant
c) churlish
d) fiasco

to adorn or decorate; an ornament
a) dregs
b) laggard
c) parable
d) garnish

one who falls behind; slow or sluggish
a) laggard
b) adage
c) reciprocal
d) decree

a cause of harm or obstruction
a) detriment
b) avowed
c) antics
d) armistice

avoiding waste; stingy
a) estrange
b) frugal
c) enterprising
d) incognito

to cancel; to make worthless
a) ransack
b) maim
c) invalidate
d) venerate

showing lack of knowledge; innocent; easily fooled
a) blase
b) incognito
c) naive
d) irascible

a surplus; to provide more than is needed
a) ransack
b) frugal
c) glut
d) wanton

to yield or follow a command
a) comply
b) amass
c) allot
d) devoid

to hesitate, stumble, lose courage
a) vie
b) amass
c) incapacitate
d) falter

necessary; urgent
a) imperative
b) foreboding
c) myriad
d) haughty

in very great numbers
a) willful
b) amass
c) myriad
d) forlorn

extraordinary in size, magnitude, or ability
a) audacious
b) unison
c) grapple
d) prodigious

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