Exceptional Learners Final Review Question Preview (ID: 54060)

Final Review Game For Edu 210! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does it mean when a child is 'twice exceptional'?
a) the child is both 'gifted' and has a disability
b) the child has any two unrelated disabilities
c) the child is exceptionally gifted (higher levels of aptitude than other 'gifted' children)
d) the child has both a physical and mental disability

Which of these is NOT usually part of the 504 plan?
a) ensures academic success for students with disabilities
b) students cannot be discriminated against because of their disability
c) modifications
d) accommodations

Which OI category is characterized by weakness in muscles?
a) neuromotor
b) degenerative
c) musculoskeletal

True or false: Multiple Severe Disabilities is an IDEA category.
a) true
b) false

Which of these is NOT a common cause of deaf-blindness?
a) repeated blows to the head
b) premature birth
c) fetal alcohol syndrome
d) genetic disorder

What does an intervener do for deaf-blind students?
a) help them with school assignments
b) help them communicate
c) help them navigate their surroundings

Which kind of deafness is caused by a raptured ear drum as a result of some kind of physical damage and can typically be treated medically?
a) conductive
b) sensorineural

What classifies a student as being 'educationally blind'?
a) student's vision is worse than 20/70
b) student's vision is worse than 20/200
c) student is visually impaired enough to must use Braille to read
d) student is visually impaired enough to be qualified to use assistive tech

What is the social skill that enables a person to take the perspective of others that people with autism either lack or struggle with?
a) executive functioning
b) theory of mind
c) joint attention
d) empathetic cognition

Which kind of deafness is hereditary and occurs because of missing or damaged hair cells in the ear?
a) conductive
b) sensorineural

Which of these statistics regarding children with autism is NOT true?
a) 31% of children with autism have an intellectual disability
b) 25% of children with autism are in the borderline zone for having an intellectual disability
c) 44% of children with autism have an above average IQ
d) 36% of children with autism are considered gifted

What does the term manifestation determination mean?
a) a student with disabilities may not receive consequences for any misbehaviors
b) a student with disabilities gets to decide their punishment when they misbehave
c) a special ed teacher has the right to decide whether a student with disabilities deserves punishment when misbehaviors occur
d) a student may not be punished for misbehaviors directly related to their disability

Which of these is NOT a type of ADHD?
a) cyclothymic
b) hyperactive
c) inattentive
d) combination

What kind of disability is often characterized by an inability to learn that cannot be explained by sensory, intellectual, or health factors?
a) communication disorder
b) autistic spectrum disorder
c) learning disability
d) emotional/behavioral disorder

Which of these is an example of an external issue regarding executive functioning?
a) difficulty deciding what pieces of information being absorbed is important
b) difficulty organizing thoughts
c) difficulty following directions
d) difficulty managing time

What learning disability is the most common, affecting 20% of all people and 80-90% of people with LDs?
a) dysgraphia
b) dyscalculia
c) dyslexia

Intellectual disabilities are defined by all of these characteristics EXCEPT:
a) low intellectual functioning
b) low reading comprehension
c) an IQ that is usually less than the 70-75 range
d) low adaptive skills

What is the main difference between accommodations and modifications?
a) Accommodations change what a student is being taught while modifications change how it is being taught
b) Accommodations change how a student is taught while modifications change what is being taught

What is the MAIN difference between a gifted student and a bright student?
a) IQ score
b) speed at which the child can complete work
c) reading comprehension
d) ability to problem solve

What kind of language disorder is characterized by confusion of rules of word meanings? (ie: differentiating literal and implied meanings)
a) morphology
b) pragmatics
c) semantics
d) syntax

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