EDUC211 Final Question Preview (ID: 54050)

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What Part of the IDEA Act states that services must be provided in a natural environment?
a) part 3
b) part 2
c) part 4
d) part 1

What is FAPE?
a) Free and Appropriate Public Education

which of these is NOT a foundation principle of EC SPED?
a) Relationship focused
b) community focused
c) Play focused
d) Teaching is routine based with embedded instruction

what does LRE stand for?
a) Least Restrictive environment

within how many does of the official referral to early intervention does a meeting have to take place?
a) 30 days
b) 60 days
c) 90 days
d) 45 days

true or false: the whole IFSP is reviewed every 6 months as well as annually at minimum
a) true
b) false

fill in the blank UDL (universal design for learning): know how to engage students by presenting content in _____ ways,give students different ways to show us they understand what they’ve learned and are excited about learning
a) varied
b) unique
c) particular
d) special

which is not one of categories of Accommodations?
a) time
b) input
c) materials
d) size

which is not a tip to use when trying to keep the family engaged?
a) personal phone call after 1st day
b) way to go certificate
c) email full of praise
d) a happy sticker

fill in the blank for the definition of curriculum: a framework for developing a _______ set of learning experiences that enables children to reach identified goals.
a) coherent
b) jumbled
c) cohesive
d) large

true or false: play is not an essential skill for children.
a) true
b) false

which of these is not one of the three main principles of Embedded learning?
a) multiple means of representation
b) multiple means of action and expression
c) multiple means of engagement
d) multiple locations in the state

true or false: NAEYC position statement on teaching through play states that - play is simple and complex-
a) true
b) false

which of these is the definition of hypotonia?
a) floppiness/ low muscle tone
b) too much tone
c) random spastic movements
d) inability to move body at random times

true or false: the definition of Atypical Motor development is: a child is meeting -typical- development milestones for their motor growth
a) false
b) true

fill in the blank: Adaptive Behavior Skills - the age appropriate behaviors that people w/ and w/o learning disabilities need to live ______ and to function well in daily life.
a) independently
b) well
c) freely

What is chaining?
a) the process in which teacher break down a task so it is done step by step
b) long list of instructions just thrown at student
c) child taking forever to get a short list of instructions done

true or false: language is the ability to use words to say what we want to say, and get things we need.
a) true
b) false

which of these is not something a kindergartener should be able to do when entering kindergarten?
a) spell their first and last name
b) retell a story
c) participate in conversation
d) follow a two step direction

true or false: self stimulation is rigid and repetitive motion sometimes accompanied by vocals and sounds.
a) true
b) false

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