Integumentary System Review Question Preview (ID: 54046)

This Is A Simple Review Of The Integumentary System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Your Skin and Nervous system work together to help you understand what things _______ like.
a) Feel
b) Smell
c) Taste
d) Look

The reason your body gets goose bumbs is to_____
a) Use hairs to trap air to keep you warm
b) Make you appear larger to frighten off predators
c) Act as a visible cue to attract a mate
d) Give R.L. Stine a good reason to get money.

Which Vitamin does your skin make?
a) Vitamin D
b) Vitamin A
c) Vitamin Q
d) Bacon

What is the largest organ?
a) Skin
b) Brain
c) Heart
d) Kidneys

Which of the following is a layer of your skin
a) Dermis
b) Derpy
c) Eponymous
d) Emrillagasse

Skin, Hair, Nails, Sweat Glands, and Oil Glands make up the ______ System
a) Integumentary
b) Muscular
c) Skeletal
d) Nervous

Skin provides protection from the ________ ________ from the Sun.
a) Ultra-Violet Radiation
b) x-ray Radiation
c) Gamma Radiation
d) Radio Waves

Skin helps regulate your body temperature by
a) Sweating
b) Constricting
c) Expanding
d) Doing back flips

A new layer of skin is created every ___ days
a) 28
b) 15
c) 32
d) 65

How often does your body shed dead skin cells
a) Daily
b) Monthly
c) Annually
d) Never. You have all the same skin cells you were born with.

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