Studying Rocks Question Preview (ID: 54043)

Unit 2 - Chapter 4 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are the flat layers that form as rocks are squeezed called?
a) foliation
b) layers
c) hornfels
d) bedding planes

By raising their pressure temperature enough, rocks may
a) form new minerals
b) form minerals bands
c) form layers
d) all of these

Biochemical sedimentary rocks form when living creatures use ions in water to create what?
a) shells
b) bones
c) both of these
d) neither of these

What is the primary process that causes rocks to become sediment?
a) weathering
b) erosion
c) pressure
d) transport

How are igneous rocks classified?
a) size and shape
b) composition and grain size
c) texture and grain size
d) none of these

What indicates the temperature at which minerals melt or crystallize?
a) partial melting.
b) fractional crystallization
c) Bowen’s reactions series.
d) all of these.

Who is considered the Father of Geology?
a) Isaac Newton
b) James Hutton
c) Charles Lyell
d) Albert Einstein

Gravel, sand, silt, or clay are types of
a) shards
b) rocklets
c) sediment
d) none of these.

Which type of rock forms from cooling magma?
a) igneous
b) sedimentary
c) metamorphic
d) all of these

Which metamorphic rock makes up the “lead” in pencils?
a) marble
b) graphite
c) quartzite
d) gneiss

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