History Exam Review GACA Question Preview (ID: 54036)

History Final Exam Reveiw. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following was one effect of the widespread use of enslaved labor in the American colonies?
a) it was harder for free people to find jobs.
b) Colonial society became strictly divided between slave and free.
c) The importation of enslaved people from Africa came to an end.
d) Smuggling of trade goods decreased.

How were colonization efforts of the French and Dutch in North America similar?
a) Both built large empires in North America.
b) Both went to war with Native Americans to control trade.
c) Both had small settlements due to lack of immigration from the home country.
d) Both brought their Catholic religion to North America in order to convert native people.

How were the North and South similar in ways they gathered their armies?
a) Both sides implemented a draft in the first year of the war.
b) Both sides enlisted the help of African Americans.
c) Both sides allowed wealthy men to hire substitutes to serve in their place.
d) Both sides experienced riots after they enacted their draft law.

How were Chinese immigrants in America treated in the late 1800s?
a) American soldiers often murdered Chinese citizens so white settlers could take their land.
b) Laws did not allow the Chinese immigrants to become American citizens.
c) The Chinese were often forced into taking low-paying jobs as cartmen and cattle herders.
d) Reformers pushed the Chinese to integrate into American culture and give up their Chinese heritage.

Which of the following was the significance of the Battle of Antietam relative to the Emancipation Proclamation?
a) The Union victory gave Lincoln the strength and support needed for the issuance of the proclamation.
b) The site served as the location where Lincoln declared the proclamation.
c) The Confederate victory fueled more anger over the loss of life of African Americans.
d) It highlighted the weakness of the Union, prompting Lincoln to reverse his course of action by issuing the proclamation.

Which of the following resulted in thousands of runaway enslaved people gaining freedom?
a) the Compromise of 1850
b) the Tariff of Abominations
c) the Underground Railroad
d) the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

In what way did the spoils system as Andrew Jackson used it have a negative effect on government?
a) It made it too difficult to replace ineffective government workers.
b) It gave jobs to unqualified party members.
c) It forced people to be loyal to the president or to the country.
d) It enabled northerners to gain jobs rather than southerners.

What concern did the U.S. have that led it to expand its influence in China during the early 1900s?
a) Chinese trade tariffs were excessive.
b) China was a good option for a naval base.
c) The Chinese emperor would restrict U.S. trade.
d) European control of China would limit U.S. trade.

How did the growth of railroads and canals most directly encourage immigration to the U.S. in the early to mid-1800s?
a) by making it easier and faster for immigrants to come to the United States
b) by increasing the demand for immigrant workers to build and work on them
c) by attracting foreign investors and companies who brought people with them
d) by giving farmers higher-paying jobs, which opened their lands to immigrants

Which of the following best represents the two perspectives of imperialists and anti-imperialists?
a) for foreign treaties vs. against foreign treaties
b) for annexing new territory vs. against annexing territory
c) for the principles of democracy vs. against the principles of democracy

Which of the following group was most likely to oppose the Marbury v. Madison decision?
a) believers in a strong national government
b) advocates for states’ rights
c) supporters of abolition
d) proponents of western expansion

Which of the following was a result of the election of 1912?
a) The Progressive Party was formed
b) The election ended progressive reforms in America.
c) The election resulted in a republican victory at the polls.
d) The election was a tie between Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt.

The contributions of this man, more than any other, helped the U.S. Navy become the third strongest naval power at the turn of the nineteenth century.
a) William Seward
b) Theodore Roosevelt
c) Alfred Thayer Mahan
d) Frederick Jackson Turner

Supporters of the temperance movement believed that drinking alcohol led to which social problem?
a) criminal activity
b) infectious disease
c) political corruption
d) racial discrimination

What topic did Ida B. Wells write about?
a) lynchings in the South
b) unfair hiring practices
c) legal reform measures
d) unsafe working conditions

What is a monopoly?
a) A monopoly is a free market economic system.
b) A monopoly encourages free trade between nations.
c) A monopoly controls the supply within a specific market.
d) A monopoly establishes laws for buying goods and services.

What is attributed to boosting college enrollment numbers from 50,000 students in 1870 to over 600,000 students by 1920?
a) the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890
b) the creation of women’s colleges
c) the publication of Good Housekeeping magazine
d) the tripling of public school enrollments in this time period

What ruling reversed the Plessy v. Ferguson decision?
a) poll tax
b) Compromise of 1877
c) Reconstruction Act of 1867
d) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

Identify a problem reformers tried to solve during the Progressive Era.
a) excessive pollution
b) political corruption
c) dwindling birth rates
d) increased natural disasters

How did the invention of hydraulic mining allow for larger mining operations?
a) Air blown at high pressure could remove unwanted materials from steel.
b) Water released at high pressure could move large rocks out of the way.
c) New tools were better able to cut through shallow grass and rocks in the soil.
d) Wind power could be used to pump water and produce electricity.

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