SS8H3ab Question Preview (ID: 54010)

Causes Of American Revolution Declaration Of Independence. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which group was formed in Georgia to protest the new taxes and laws imposed by Great Britain?
a) The Liberty boys
b) The songs of Liberty
c) The Daughters of the American Revolution
d) The Founding Fathers

The main reason that the colonists protested the taxes and laws placed on them was because
a) The laws reduced the land areas the colonists could settle on
b) the colonists felt they were not fairly represented in the British Government
c) the taxes were placed on paper goods which angered the colonists
d) the laws state the colonists could no longer trade with Indians

Which two countries fought for rights to the rich fur trading territory in the Ohio Valley?
a) France and Spain
b) France and the U.S.
c) France and Great Britain
d) Great Britain and Spain

Which was a cause of the American Revolution?
a) economic losses incurred by Great Britain as a result of the French and Indian war
b) The proclamation of 1763 not allowing colonists to settle beyond the Appalachian Mountains
c) THe Stamp Act taxing colonists without representation in Parliament
d) All of the above

Who issued the Proclamation of 1763?
a) King George III
b) The Sons of Liberty
c) James Oglethorpe
d) Governor John Wright

Which of these is NOT one of the three main parts of the Declaration of Independence?
a) Prcolamation
b) Preamble
c) Grievances
d) Declaration

Which important document was penned during the Second Continental Congress?
a) Proclamation of 1763
b) Declaration of Independence
c) U.S. Constitution
d) Treaty of Paris

What were the unalienable rights listed in the Preamble
a) All men were created equal
b) Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
c) Seeking health and safety
d) none of the above

Which part of the Declaration of Independence was the introduction?
a) Preamble
b) Grievances
c) Declaration
d) Amendments

Which part of the Declaration of Independence is the Conclusion?
a) Preamble
b) Grievances
c) Declaration
d) Amendments

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