Cell Division Question Preview (ID: 54007)

Intro To Cell. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of these is NOT one of the 3 parts of a cells life?
a) Copy cell material
b) DNA divides (Mitosis)
c) Cell Divides (Cytokinesis)
d) DNA moves onto another cell

How do uni (1) cell organisms divide?
a) Binary Fission
b) Fizzy reproduction
c) Duplications
d) Repeaters

Multi cell organisms reproduce in two ways:
a) Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
b) Fussion and Fission
c) Duplication and Replicate
d) Sexual and Asexual

When the mother cell divides and becomes new cells, we call the new cells:
a) Potatoes
b) Twin cell
c) Daughter cells
d) Sibling cells

Which of these is NOT a responsibilty of the cell while in Interphase?
a) Cell Growth
b) Produce light
c) DNA Replication
d) General Cellular processes

Which of these is not a reason your body needs to make new cells?
a) Injury / repair
b) Photosynthesis
c) Growth
d) Reproduce

Majority of a cell's life is spent in Interphase.
a) True
b) False

We are multicellular creatures made of trillions of cells. We needed mitosis to create and maintain our complexity.
a) True
b) False

The acronym (abbreviation) I__PMAT is to help you remember the order of Mitosis, those letters stand for:
a) Interlude, Proposal, Memory, Away, Trumpets
b) Introduce, Puppets, Moses, Apple, Tuna
c) Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
d) Interlude, Proposal, Missing, Attraction, Telephone

Which of these describes a difference between cells and viruses.
a) Cells contain proteins, viruses contain carbohydrates
b) Viruses contain flagella, cells contain cilia
c) Cells reproduce independently, viruses require a host to reproduce
d) Nothing, they are the same.

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