8th Gr La Comida Parte 2 Question Preview (ID: 54003)

Working With Vocabulary From La Comida Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

el sándwich
a) the soda
b) the sausage
c) the soup
d) the sandwich

el agua
a) the apple
b) the corn
c) the water
d) the ice cream

la pizza
a) the pizza
b) the cake
c) the pop
d) the potato

la carne
a) the coffee
b) the meat
c) the cereal
d) the dinner

el jugo
a) the egg
b) the corn
c) the rice
d) the juice

los dulces
a) the candy
b) the drinks
c) the dinner
d) the French fries

la leche
a) the water
b) the yogurt
c) the milk
d) the chicken

el chocolate
a) the cake
b) the chocolate
c) the cookies
d) the coffee

el maíz
a) the milk
b) the lunch
c) the corn
d) the rice

las bebidas
a) the bacon
b) the sweets
c) the breakfast
d) the drinks

las papas fritas
a) the hotdog
b) the French fries
c) the cookies
d) the popcorn

el refresco
a) the soda pop
b) the rice
c) the sausage
d) the cake

las galletas
a) the grapes
b) the drinks
c) the cookies
d) the chicken

el arroz
a) the eggs
b) the pizza
c) the rice
d) the corn

el helado
a) the ice cream
b) the juice
c) the hot dog
d) the drink

el pollo
a) the potato
b) the pizza
c) the pop
d) the chicken

el perro caliente
a) the bacon
b) the hamburger
c) the French fries
d) the hot dog

el pastel
a) the cake
b) the chicken
c) the bread
d) the potato

el café
a) the cereal
b) the corn
c) the coffee
d) the meat

la papa
a) the dad
b) the potato
c) the chicken
d) the pop

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