Unit 5: Early America And Challenges Question Preview (ID: 53986)

Federalist Jefferson Era (War Of 1812). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why was Washington considered to be a great leader?
a) He gave up his own personal well-being for the well-being of the country
b) Washington received the support of all the electors.
c) Washington exhibited the wisdom of someone much older.
d) Washington defeated the large British army in the American Revolution.

How did Washington’s Farewell Address influence the foreign policies of U.S. presidents that served in the early years
a) They worked to repair relations with Britain.
b) They cut funding for overseas military actions.
c) They isolated the United States by using embargo's
d) They attempted to remain neutral

One economic impact of the War of 1812 on the United States was
a) A closer trading connection with Canada
b) A stock market crash and falling prices
c) A greater reliance on U.S. manufacturing
d) A decline of transportation infrastructure

Chief Justice John Marshall exhibited his leadership skills by
a) Engaging in spirited debate with political leaders of opposing parties
b) Persuading others to respect the decisions of the Supreme Court
c) Fighting for the rights of the American people
d) Writing most of the opinions of the Supreme Court

The power of the Supreme Court to conduct a judicial review originated with a controversy over
a) Presidential powers to conduct war without legislative approval
b) Fugitive enslaved people being returned to slaveholders
c) last-minute presidential appointments of judges
d) Overriding a presidential veto on territorial expansion

How did the Embargo Act of 1807 impact American trade?
a) Imports fell while exports grew.
b) Both imports and exports fell.
c) Imports grew while exports fell.
d) Both imports and exports grew steadily.

The XYZ Affair is an example of how the Adams administration was working to …
a) Expel France’s diplomats from the United States
b) Negotiate boundaries with France
c) Avoid war with the French
d) Cooperate with France’s leaders during their revolution

Which action contributed to the beginning of the War of 1812?
a) Impressment of American sailors into the British navy
b) Seizure of American ships by the Spanish navy
c) Attacks on American ships by Barbary Coast pirates
d) Violations of American fishing rights on the Great Lakes

How did the War of 1812 affect the standing of the United States in world affairs?
a) The United States was viewed as leader of Western Hemisphere
b) Foreign governments agreed to make loans to repair war damage.
c) European nations invited the United States to join the fight
d) The United States establish their Identity as an (Independent Powerful) Nation

Which issue accounts for the development of political parties in the early U.S. republic?
a) A disagreement about the purchase of Louisiana from the French
b) An argument about adding the Bill of Rights to the Constitution
c) A disagreement about the creation of a national bank
d) An argument about the peace treaty ending the War of 1812

A central issue contributing to the development of political parties in the United States was
a) The expansion of U.S. territory
b) The power of the federal government
c) The role of the Supreme Court
d) The diplomatic ties to foreign nations

Why did Northern states favor tariffs during the early years of the republic?
a) Northern manufacturers would benefit from less foreign competition
b) Northern farmers would be able to trade in foreign markets freely
c) Southern smugglers would be forced to trade fairly and legally
d) Southern states would sell more raw materials to Northern businesses

One result of the passage of the Judiciary Act during the Washington presidency was
a) The formal separation of federal and state courts
b) The creation of a supreme court as final mediator
c) The limitation on the practice of judicial review
d) The establishment of the federal court system

By choosing against seeking a third term, Washington demonstrated the leadership quality of...
a) honesty and a sense of personal integrity
b) courage in the midst of difficult circumstances
c) Personal restraint from seeking power
d) sacrifice and civic responsibility to the country

Which legal precedent was set by the decision of Marbury v. Madison?
a) The election process must use a secret ballot for voting.
b) The Supreme Court may declare laws unconstitutional.
c) The federal government must provide employees due process.
d) The House of Representatives had the sole power to declare war.

How did the War of 1812 contribute to the expansion of industry in the United States?
a) The disruption of trade forced the development of U.S. manufacturing.
b) The presence of British troops in New York
c) The new U.S. Navy increased the confidence of overseas trading
d) The burning of Washington, D.C. led to a nationwide construction boom

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