Idioms Question Preview (ID: 53984)

Its My First Test So I Added Some Funny Things And It Is Pretty Easy. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does it mean to give someone the cold shoulder?
a) To ignore them
b) to hit them with a cold shoulder
c) to rip their arm off put it into the freezer and give it back to them
d) to put them in a freezer that has a fake shoulder

what does the icing on a cake mean?
a) to eat cake
b) to put icing on a cake
c) to make something good better
d) to cut the cake and shove it into someones mouth.

what does it mean to play it by ear?
a) to play the guitar
b) to play the banjo with an ear
c) to improvise
d) to listen and do what they call out no matter what it is.

what does it mean to see eye to eye?
a) to eat pizza
b) to put contacts on
c) to switch eyes
d) to agree

what does it me to be in the same boat?
a) to be in it together
b) guacamole
c) to be in a kayak with someone
d) to be fast

What does it mean when something has slipped your mind?
a) To have part of your brain fall out
b) To get a concussion
c) To forget
d) To confuse someone.

what does it mean to be down to the wire?
a) to destroy batman
b) the last second
c) to be eating a wire
d) to be calm under stress

What does cool as a cucumber mean?
a) you look like a cucumber
b) you are cold
c) you are freaking out
d) to be calm under stress

what does it mean if someone does something out of the blue?
a) To do something unexpectedly.
b) to go out of a blue world.
c) to take a shower after bathing in blue dye.
d) to throw blueberries at you.

What does it mean to have a change of heart?
a) To get a heart transplant
b) To change your mind
c) to make a heart shape
d) to bribe someone

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