MINI PROJECT - FOOD WASTE Question Preview (ID: 53978)

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Last question! Another benefits of not wasting food is...
a) Reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon footprint
b) Have lots of food.
c) Buying too much food.
d) The refrigerator is not enough to keep the food.

The benefit that we can get for not wasting food is...
a) Need to pay more on electricity bills
b) Not enough food
c) Save our money by buying less food.
d) Can increase a total of food waste

Wasting food can be overcome by...
a) Mindful of old ingredients and leftovers that we need to use up.
b) Throw away the old ingredients and leftovers.
c) Buy everything in the shop.
d) Buy what you want and not what you need.

What can you get when you concerned with food waste issues?
a) Increase electricity and water bills.
b) Increase the price of food.
c) Satisfaction.
d) Can generate income by recycle excess food.

Can you guest this, what can your brother’s get from this situation? My brother likes to use natural fertilizer for gardening.
a) Wasting electric bills.
b) Make everyone happy and enjoy.
c) Can reduce food waste and make money through the sale of organic fertilizer.
d) Wasting money and effort.

Another way to prevent wasting food is...
a) Buying food that almost expired.
b) We should take some time to wash, dry, chop the groceries and keep it in the refrigerator to make sure it is always fresh.
c) Over-preparation of meals.
d) Buy the groceries that we already have.

How to prevent people from wasting food?
a) Give lot of free food until it is wasted.
b) Make a shopping list before buying groceries.
c) Buy everything that we want.
d) Shopping for groceries everyday.

Oopss ! Another food waste fact …
a) Majority kids like chocolate ice cream.
b) People prefer to spend their money on something that they don’t eat.
c) Food waste is necessary.
d) Diners leave 17% food uneaten at the restaurant.

Time to guess ! Food waste fact …
a) Malaysians wasted almost 15,000 tonnes of food, including 3,000 tonnes of edible food, every day.
b) 99% people consume variety of foods daily.
c) Protein contains 4 kcal per gram.
d) Malaysia is the only country that waste food.

Food waste is good because...
a) It makes people waste more food.
b) Help stabilize the ecosystem.
c) It is really good!
d) It preserves the healthy environment – against all diseases

Which one you think is true about food waste statistic?
a) Eating healthy is part of the balanced diet. (Bernama,2015)
b) People enjoy good foods. (JK,2020)
c) Malaysia waste enough food to feed 12 million people a day. (SWCorp,2019)
d) Tomato is a vegetable too. (CHIM,1995)

Which of the following do you think is the benefit of reducing food waste?
a) People will gain obesity.
b) Build healthy soil – bio composts from food waste improves soil fertility.
c) You will be healthier.
d) Food will be cheap.

Based on this situation, which factor is the biggest contributor to food waste?
a) Ali thinking carefully before buying food.
b) Halimah do not storage excess food in the right way.
c) Kassim checking expired date of food before buying it.
d) Doing nothing.

Based on your knowledge, why food waster occurs?
a) Lack of appropriate planning
b) Preparing less food
c) Avoid buying too much
d) Store food correctly

Do you know, buying too much food can contribute to?
a) Strengthen our family relationship
b) Satisfaction and well-being
c) Help to control appetite
d) Food waste

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