Unit 2.03 CR10: Sales I Question Preview (ID: 53969)

Handling Customer Complaints. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following situations could result in a product complaint:
a) The business did not accept personal checks.
b) The customer’s purchase was missing a part.
c) The salesperson used the wrong credit form.
d) The transaction took a long time to complete.

Which of the following are the three major areas of customer complaints:
a) Labeling, faulty design, and mispricing
b) Poor service, inaccurate forms, and rudeness
c) Product, personnel, and the business
d) Improper decisions, oversight, and service

Spending a lot of time on customer complaints can cause a business to be
a) unpopular.
b) very successful.
c) more profitable.
d) less efficient.

Negative “word of mouth” advertising due to unresolved customer complaints can cost a business its
a) employees.
b) facilities.
c) reputation.
d) licenses.

Which of the following is a potential cost of customer complaints:
a) Loss of merchandise
b) Loss of sales
c) Loss of employees
d) Loss of tax breaks

Customer complaints can affect a salesperson by
a) disappointing her/his friends and family.
b) making her/his day better.
c) helping her/him to earn a raise.
d) causing her/him to lose commission.

Which of the following skills can an employee use to uncover the hidden reason for a customer’s complaint:
a) Accounting
b) Questioning
c) Selling
d) Marketing

Mark is unhappy with the way his new shirt wrinkles, and he shows it to the salesperson. Mark’s complaint is an example of a
a) true complaint.
b) false accusation.
c) difficult customer.
d) hidden complaint.

A complaint is any expression of
a) dissatisfaction.
b) anger.
c) sadness.
d) gratitude.

Which of the following is a common way for customers to express their complaints:
a) Directly to the CEO
b) Patiently
c) Verbally
d) Silently

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