Seafloor Spreading Question Preview (ID: 53964)

Seafloors Spreading. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is NOT a piece of evidence that supports seafloor spreading?
a) Mid Ocean Ridge
b) Puzzle Like fit of the continents
c) Magnetic Reversals (Polarity)
d) Age of the rocks on the ocean floor

What is the name of the research vessel that helped prove continental drift and seafloor spreading?
a) Grogu
b) Glossipteris
c) Glomar Challenger
d) Glomarantic

What type of plate boundary is located at the mid-ocean ridge?
a) Divergent
b) Convergent
c) Transform

What type of plate boundary is located at subduction zone?
a) Divergent
b) Convergent
c) Transform

Where are the yongest rocks on the ocean floor located?
a) Near the mid ocean ridge
b) Near the subduction zones

Who came up with the theory of Seafloor Spreading?
a) Wegener
b) Hess
c) Wilson
d) Tharp

Who mapped the mid-ocean ridge?
a) Wegener
b) Hess
c) Wilson
d) Tharp

What is Subduction?
a) The cycling of magma material in the mantel
b) The process by which the ocean floor sinks beneath a deep ocean trench and back into the mantle again.
c) The process by wich new ocean floor is created.

Mid-Ocean ridges form long chains of ______ that rise up from the ocean floor.
a) Rivers
b) Mountains
c) Valleys

In the Mid-1900s, scientists mapped mid-ocean ridges using what?
a) x rays
b) Satillites
c) Sonar

What is Sea-Floor Spreading?
a) Mid-Ocean ridges continually add new material to the ocean floor
b) A thing in the Ocean
c) Subduction zones continually add new material to the ocean floor.

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