SS6G10a Language Of Europe Question Preview (ID: 53957)

SS6G10a: Languages Of Europe. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

European languages originally came from which continent?
a) Asia
b) Australia
c) North America
d) South America

What have Europeans done to try to solve the language barrier problem?
a) The EUropean Union writes documents in English only
b) School children are taught English as a 2nd language
c) All countries hae adopted one universal European language
d) Teachers force students to forget their home languages in favor of English

What is the primary language spoken in Spain?
a) English
b) spanish
c) german
d) french

What is the primary language spoken in Russia?
a) English
b) German
c) Italian
d) Russian

In what way are the German and ENglish languages alike?
a) Both are part of the Dravidian Language family
b) Both are part of the Slavic language family
c) both are part of the Germanic language family
d) both are part of the Romance language family

Which language family comes from the language of the ancient Roman Empire?
a) ROmance language family
b) Germanic language family
c) Japonic language family
d) Slavic language family

Which language family has the largest number of speakers in Europe? What is the language?
a) Germanic language family, German language
b) Romance language family, Spanish language
c) Germanic language family, English language
d) Slavic language family, RUssian language

Which are examples of the Romance languages?
a) Russian, Czech, German
b) English, Russia, Cyrillic
c) Italian, French, Spanish
d) German, Russian, Ukranian

What are the three main language families in Europe?
a) Germanic
b) Slavic
c) Romance
d) All of the above

Which language family uses the Cyrillic Alphabet?
a) Romance language family
b) Slavic language family
c) Germanic language family

Which word is used to mean speaking two languages.
a) multilingual
b) bilingual
c) perilingual
d) monolingual

Most European languages come from the same roots from which language?
a) Germanic
b) Indo European
c) Middle Eastern
d) Asian

Where did the Indo-European language come from?
a) Central Russia
b) Europe
c) Central Asia

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