Spanish 1: Cycle 5 Question Preview (ID: 53956)

Vocabulary And Grammar Concepts. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following does not fall into the category of LA ROPA?
a) calcetines
b) vestido
c) gato
d) zapato

Which of the following can probably NOT be found in the women's section of a clothing store?
a) falda
b) vestido
c) blusa
d) pelirrojo

Which is the best translation: I wear green pants.
a) Yo llevo pantalones verdes.
b) Lleva verdes pantalones.
c) Llevo es pantalones verde.
d) Yo soy pantalones verde.

Which color is NOT typical for OJOS?
a) verde
b) castaño
c) anaranjado
d) azul

Which thing is NOT associated with the head or one's hair?
a) sombrero
b) pelo
c) alto
d) corto

Which is typically a negative characteristic?
a) perezoso
b) divertido
c) paciente
d) trabajador

Which does NOT describe a person's hair color?
a) pelirroja
b) rubia
c) morena
d) otra

What does TENGO mean?
a) he wears
b) I have
c) she has
d) color

What word means YELLOW?
a) anaranjado
b) moreno
c) aburrido
d) amarillo

Which word is generally a positive characteristic?
a) aburrida
b) fea
c) simpática
d) mala

Which word means LONG?
a) grande
b) largo
c) alto
d) corto

Which does NOT describe physical appearance?
a) divertido
b) baja
c) gordo
d) delgada

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