OT - Content Check 6 Question Preview (ID: 53947)

Content Check 6. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Song of Songs is all about
a) Pessimism and how we cannot really know anything
b) Love poetry between a bridegroom and his bride
c) How Solomon acquired his knowledge
d) How to sing properly

A walled garden has long been a symbol of
a) Virginity
b) Protection from the Devil
c) Art and Creativity
d) Treachery and deceitful war

Half of the psalms are attributed to
a) King Solomon
b) King Suleiman
c) King David
d) King Saul

The collection of all 150 psalms into one book is called the
a) Talmud
b) Vedas
c) Bible
d) Psalter

The psalms are beautiful works of poetry that were
a) Read in ancient coffee shop all around the word
b) originally paintings that inspired moral responses
c) Set to music, composed to be sung in public worship
d) written in Tibet and travelled to Israel in the late 3rd century B.C.

The Hebrew word for Psalms literally means
a) Praises
b) God loves us
c) Prayer
d) To tickle with a feather

There are how many types of major psalms
a) 4
b) 6
c) 10
d) 15

a) Have no structure to them at all
b) Were originally written in English
c) Were given to us by an alien race from Mars
d) Normally have a structure comprising of 5 components

Job’s primary question is
a) What do good things happen to good people?
b) Why do bad things happen to good people?
c) Who is this God?
d) Who am I?

Job is meant to be taken
a) to the Grocery store
b) As a parable
c) As a factual story
d) As a giant song meant to be sung on Christmas Day

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