Relationships In Ecosystems (7.MS-LS2-2) Question Preview (ID: 53926)

7.MS-LS2-2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is one reason for why a mouse and a plant are not in a predatory relationship
a) The mouse doesn't hunt the grass
b) trick question: they ARE in a predatory relationship
c) They are in a parasitic relationship
d) The mouse doesn't eat the grass

What would most likely happen to a prey population if their predators disappeared?
a) They would run out of resources
b) Their population would continue to increase without stopping
c) Their population would level out
d) They would immediately go extinct

Lice on a human scalp is an example of...
a) predation
b) parasitism
c) mutualism
d) commensalism

Which statement is correct?
a) Most ecosystems have examples of most types of relationships
b) All ecosystems have examples of some types of relationships
c) No ecosystem has examples of all types of relationships
d) All ecosystems have examples of all types of relationships

When niches overlap, which relationship often happens?
a) dependency
b) parasitism
c) competition
d) mutualism

Which symbiotic relationship is shown when a bird builds a nest in a tree?
a) mutualism
b) parasitism
c) competition
d) commensalism

What relationship exists between a grasshopper and a plant?
a) dependency
b) predation
c) competition
d) mutualism

A wolf and a bear both try to eat the same dead deer. Which of the following does NOT describe that relationship?
a) predation
b) dependency
c) symbiotic
d) competition

There are always more.....
a) prey than predators
b) predators than prey
c) hosts than parasites
d) invasive species than native species

Two male peacocks fighting over a female is an example of
a) interspecies competition
b) intraspecies competition
c) a predator prey relationship
d) a symbiotic relationship

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