Force And Motion Question Preview (ID: 53846)

Unit 3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A student is using a spring scale to measure the force of a Chromebook being pulled across a table. For the next trial, he added a box of marbles on top of the Chromebook. What will he be able to find out?
a) How mass affects the force needed to move objects
b) How force affects the mass of two objects
c) How the force used to pull the Chromebook affects the mass of the marbles
d) How the mass of the marbles affects the mass of the chromebook

Which procedure should I include in my experiment to find out how much force it takes to move a bowling ball and a basketball across a table?
a) do 3-5 trials using different scales for each ball
b) do 3-5 trials using a different table each time
c) do 3-5 trails, pulling each ball the same way for each trial
d) test each ball only once

What is a force?
a) magic that makes things move with your mind
b) a sound
c) A push or a pull
d) electricity

What force pulls things towards the center of Earth?
a) gravity
b) magnetism
c) push
d) friction

Which of the following would be best to test friction?
a) dropping two balls from the same height at the same time
b) rolling two toy cars across the same floor at the same time with the same amount of force
c) rolling three balls across different surfaces from the same starting point, with the same amount of force
d) releasing toy cars down a ramp from different starting points

What happens as you jump up from the ground?
a) a jump is a pull that makes you go up
b) a jump is a push that causes you to change positions
c) a jump is caused by magnetism
d) a jump does not change your position

A student builds a bridge out of spaghetti noodles. He sets a paper cup on top and adds pennies to the cup one at a time. Which question is the student most likely trying to answer?
a) How many spaghetti noodles does it take to build a bridge?
b) How much force will it take to break the spaghetti bridge?
c) How long can a spaghetti bridge be?
d) How many pennies can you fit in a paper cup?

If a person hits a ball with a baseball bat, what happens?
a) Work is being done by pushing the ball and changing its motion and position
b) The ball changes position but there is no motion
c) Work is being done by pulling the bat and changing the ball's position, but not motion.
d) Change in the position and motion of the ball without doing any work.

A student wants to test the force of a trampoline bouncing 4 balls with different masses into the air. He has the trampoline and 4 balls with different masses. What else would be helpful for this experiment?
a) A graduated cylinder to measure the volume of each ball
b) A beaker to collect the balls after they are launched
c) A stopwatch to measure how long it takes to drop the balls
d) A meterstick to measure the height each ball bounces

Which of the following are most likely in motion because of gravity?
a) a ball rolling down a hill AND a book falling off a shelf, hitting the floor.
b) clock hands spinning AND a ball being pulled from a chair and rolling back when let go
c) pushing a door open AND rolling a pencil back and forth
d) a ball being pulled from a chair and rolling back when let go AND rolling a pencil back and forth

What would be the reason a paper airplane changes direction after it is thrown in the air?
a) Magnetism pulls the paper airplane to the ground
b) Magnetism pushes the airplane up
c) Gravity pulls down on the paper airplane
d) Gravity pushes the paper airplane up

A student set up two ramps. One ramp was created using a stack of 4 books and a long piece of flat wood. The other ramp used 2 books and a piece of wood the same size. What question is he trying to answer?
a) How do different surfaces affect force?
b) How do books affect how marbles travel?
c) How does mass affect a marble as it goes down the ramp?
d) Will the height of the ramp affect how the marble will travel?

If a ball is rolled down two ramps of different heights, why is the length the ball travels different in each trial?
a) The height of the ramps changed
b) The mass of the ball changes
c) The material of the ball changes
d) The size of the ball changes

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