Enlightenment Revolutions 2 Question Preview (ID: 53845)

Includes Information From English Civil War, American Revolution, French Revolution And Latin American Revolutions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Boston Tea Party was . . .
a) adult dress-up day as Native Americans
b) Children's dress-up day as Native Americans
c) Adult dress-up day as Pirates
d) Children's dress-up day as Pirates

Colonists best Ally was . . . ?
a) France
b) England
c) Switzerland
d) Germany

The 30 Years War had which of the following?
a) Wolves
b) Kitty Cats
c) Chickens
d) Cows

Who did Charles I surrender to?
a) Scots
b) Russians
c) Chinese
d) Australians

How much was Charles I sold to the English Parliament for?
a) 400,000 lbs
b) 40,000 lbs
c) $40,000
d) $400

What finally happened to Louis XVI and Antionette?
a) beheaded
b) exiled
c) sent to their rooms
d) grounded

How does Louis XVI's son die?
a) in a dungeon of unknown causes
b) in a dungeon from rat bites
c) in a jail from starvation
d) in a jail of bubonic plague

Separatists vs Loyalists were part of which war/revolution?
a) American Revolution
b) English Civil War
c) French Revolution
d) French and Indian War

Who said No taxation without representation?
a) Colonists
b) French
c) Native Americans
d) Bourgesie

British troops surrendered to the Colonists in what town?
a) Yorktown
b) New York
c) YorkPatty
d) New England

What officially ended the American Revolution?
a) Treaty of Paris
b) Treaty of Versaille
c) Treaty of London
d) Treaty of Bastille

Which leader had the Farquaad Complex?
a) Napoleon
b) Robespierre
c) Washington
d) Henry IV

The revolution in Haiti was unique because it was a . . .
a) slave revolt
b) prisoner revolt
c) soldier revolt
d) slave luncheon

Two of the main Latin American Liberators were whom?
a) Simon Bolivar and San Martin
b) Simon and Garfunkle
c) Bolivar and Hidalgo
d) El Grito and Martin

The scream of pain that became known as the cry for Mexican Independence was what?
a) El Grito de Dolores
b) El Taco de Cabayo
c) El Baca de Taco Bell
d) Com esta

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