Enlightenment Revolutions Question Preview (ID: 53843)

Info Covering English Civil War, American Revolution, French Revolution And Latin American Revolutions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was Oliver Cromwell's army called?
a) New Model Army
b) Old Clay Army
c) 121st Battallion
d) 25th Infantry

Codification of laws in France were called
a) Napoleonic Code of Law
b) Napoleonic Standardized Test
c) Napoleon's Real Rules
d) Short Man's Laws

Who was the 1st English King executed by his own people?
a) Charles I
b) Henry I
c) Frederick I
d) Peter I

Who had the Bible translated into English?
a) James I
b) James II
c) Henry VIII
d) Louis XIV

What event officially started the French Revolution?
a) Storming the Bastille
b) Great Fear
c) Ousting the Spanish King
d) Bread Riots

How many colonists actually died in the Boston Massacre?
a) 5
b) 15
c) 25
d) 50

When do the 13 colonies ratify their Declaration of Independence?
a) July 4, 1776
b) July 4, 1976
c) July 14, 1776
d) July 24, 1976

Whose ideas dominate the Declaration of Independence?
a) John Locke
b) Thomas Hobbs
c) Bill Clinton
d) Donald Trump

Who fled England during the Glorious Revolution?
a) James II
b) James I
c) Frederick II
d) Peter the Great

What was an important result of the Glorious Revolution
a) All of the above
b) Creation of a Limited Monarchy
c) Limits put on the crown
d) Creation of a Constitutional Monarchy

Who led the Reign of Terror?
a) Maximillian Robespierre
b) Napoleon Bonaparte
c) Louise XVI
d) Henry VIII

Who were the Cavaliers?
a) Supporters of the English King
b) Supporters of the French King
c) Supporters of England's Parliament
d) Supporters of France's Parliament

Who supported England's parliament?
a) Roundheads
b) Cavaliers
c) Steelers
d) Cowboys

France's new chopping machine was called?
a) Guilottine
b) Electric Chopping Block 5000
c) Executioner's Pal
d) Auto Axe

Who was rumored to have said Let them eat cake?
a) Antionette
b) Elizabeth I
c) Maria Theresa
d) Gloria

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