4c+4a1 African Kingdoms + Obstacles, Motives, And Accomplishments Of Exploration Question Preview (ID: 53832)

USI.4c African Kingdoms USI.4a1 Obstacles, Motives, And Accomplishments Of Exploration. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following does NOT describe the location of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai?
a) Western Africa
b) East of the Indian Ocean
c) South of the Sahara Desert
d) near the Niger River

Which of the following is NOT an example of the goods brought from Portugal to Africa for trade?
a) gold
b) metals
c) cloth
d) manufactured goods

Ghana, Mali, and Songhai became powerful by ___.
a) attacking European countries
b) controlling trade in West Africa
c) improving navigational tools
d) starving competing cultures

The ___ made voyages of discovery along the coast of West Africa.
a) Spanish
b) French
c) English
d) Portuguese

Which of the following is NOT something improved by the scholars at Prince Henry’s school of navigation?
a) ships
b) maps
c) languages
d) navigational tools

Which of the following is NOT something Europeans wanted to bring back from Africa?
a) spices like salt
b) gold
c) enslaved Africans
d) new religions

Gold, Trade, and Natural Resources are examples of ___.
a) economic motivations for exploration
b) obstacles to exploration
c) accomplishments of exploration
d) causes of European wars

One motivating force behind European exploration was to spread ___.
a) disease
b) tolerance
c) Christianity
d) democracy

One motivating force behind European exploration was to compete for ___.
a) bigger empires
b) smaller kingdoms
c) faster ships
d) greater defenses

One goal of European exploration was to ___.
a) expose weaknesses
b) keep things the same
c) teach younger generations how to sail
d) show the superiority of their culture.

Poor maps and navigational tools is an example of ___.
a) a motivation for exploration
b) an obstacle to exploration
c) an accomplishment of exploration
d) a triumph of exploration

One obstacle to European exploration was ___.
a) to spread Christianity
b) improved navigational tools
c) faster ships
d) disease and starvation

One obstacle to European exploration was ___.
a) adequate supplies
b) fear of the unknown
c) plenty of resources
d) competitions for larger empires

One obstacle to European exploration was ___.
a) lack of adequate supplies
b) hopes of finding gold
c) the spread of Christianity
d) the belief in the superiority of their own culture

Which of the following is not an accomplishment of European exploration?
a) exchanged goods and ideas
b) improved ships and navigational tools
c) claimed territories
d) competitions for empires

Which obstacle to exploration led to one of the accomplishments of exploration?
a) poor maps and navigational tools
b) disease and starvation
c) fear of the unknown
d) lack of adequate supplies

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