Judaism Question Preview (ID: 53830)

Chapter 5 Nat Geo. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A Jewish spiritual leader and teacher is called a ____________.
a) rabbi
b) covenant
c) synagogue
d) tribe

The belief in only one god is called _______________.
a) monotheism
b) confucianism
c) polytheism
d) Mr. Jones

A Jewish place of worship is called a ____________.
a) synagogue
b) rabbi
c) temple
d) congregation

An extended family unit is a _______________.
a) tribe
b) rabbi
c) synagogue
d) covenant

A period of forced absence from one's homeland is _____________.
a) exile
b) desert
c) synagogue
d) tribe

A religious agreement with god is called a ______________.
a) covenant
b) tribe
c) Talmud
d) rabbi

Which of the following is NOT a practice of the Jewish people?
a) worshipping many gods
b) following a kosher diet
c) observing the Sabbath
d) worshipping at a synagogue

What is the most holy book to the Jewish people?
a) Torah
b) Qu'ran
c) Bible
d) New Testament

Who brought peace to the Israelites and made Jerusalem their capital city?
a) David
b) Saul
c) Moses
d) Mr. Jones

The _____________ was the dispersal of Jews from Israel to countries all around the world.
a) diaspora
b) Torah
c) Talmud
d) tsunami

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