Punnett Squares And Genetics Question Preview (ID: 53816)

Punnett Squares And Genetics For 7th Grade. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Can a homozygous dominant parent and a homozygous recessive parent have a purebred offspring?
a) yes
b) no
c) I don't know
d) ???

Can two hybrid parents have purebred offspring?
a) yes
b) no
c) I don't know
d) ????

If yellow (Y) is dominant over blue in sponges which genotype would represent blue sponges?
a) YY
b) Yy
c) yy
d) Bb

What tool do we use to predict genetic crosses?
a) mendel's magic shovel
b) pedigree charts
c) punnett squares
d) watson and cricks staircase

Which is a purebred recessive genotype?
a) TT
b) Tt
c) tt
d) YY

Which is a homozygous dominant genotype?
a) TT
b) Tt
c) tt
d) yy

Which is a purebred genotype?
a) TT
b) Ff
c) Tt
d) Rr

Which is a hybrid genotype?
a) TT
b) Tt
c) tt
d) YY

What is another name for hybrid?
a) homozygous
b) heterozygous
c) phenotype
d) purebred

If you cross to short pea plants tt . What chance do they have of having short offspring?
a) 0%
b) 25%
c) 75%
d) 100%

What is another name for homozygous?
a) hybrid
b) heterozygous
c) phenotype
d) purebred

If you cross to heterozygous talls what chance do you have of offspring that are also heterozygous hybrids?
a) 0%
b) 25%
c) 50%
d) 75%

If you cross a heterozygous tall Tt with a homozygous tall TT, what % chance do ou have for a child that is short tt
a) 0%
b) 25%
c) 50%
d) 100%

Which is an example of a genotype?
a) red hair
b) RR
c) dimples
d) hitch hiker thumb

Which is an example of a phenotype
a) freckles
b) FF
c) ff
d) Ff

What do we call the different forms of a gene?
a) genes
b) alleles
c) phenotypes
d) genotypes

Who was the father of genetics?
a) James Watson
b) Reginald Punnett
c) Gregor Mendel
d) Louis Pasteur

Brown hair is an example of a ________
a) genotype
b) phenotype
c) punnett square
d) osmosis

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