Force And Motion Review Question Preview (ID: 53794)

Newton's 3 Laws. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A car stops quickly, everything in the car flies forward.
a) Newton's 1st Law (Law of Inertia)
b) Newton's 2nd Law (F=MA)
c) Newton's 3rd Law (Action/Reaction)
d) None of the above

A book pushes down on a desk. The desk pushes up, equally, on the book.
a) Newton's 1st Law (Law of Inertia)
b) Newton's 2nd Law (F=MA)
c) Newton's 3rd Law (Action/Reaction)
d) None of the above

An object with a greater mass accelerates less than an object with less mass.
a) Newton's 1st Law (Law of Inertia)
b) Newton's 2nd Law (F=MA)
c) Newton's 3rd Law (Action/Reaction)
d) None of the above

A rocket takes off from Earth which pushes fuel in one direction and the rocket in the other direction.
a) Newton's 1st Law (Law of Inertia)
b) Newton's 2nd Law (F=MA)
c) Newton's 3rd Law (Action/Reaction)
d) None of the above

A hockey puck is shot towards a goal. The hockey puck does not stop until it comes in contact with the goal.
a) Newton's 1st Law (Law of Inertia)
b) Newton's 2nd Law (F=MA)
c) Newton's 3rd Law (Action/Reaction)
d) None of the above

Throwing a baseball requires much less force than throwing a bowling ball.
a) Newton's 1st Law (Law of Inertia)
b) Newton's 2nd Law (F=MA)
c) Newton's 3rd Law (Action/Reaction)
d) None of the above

A person jumps off of a boat and the boat is pushed backwards.
a) Newton's 1st Law (Law of Inertia)
b) Newton's 2nd Law (F=MA)
c) Newton's 3rd Law (Action/Reaction)
d) None of the above

When the same force is applied, a smaller (with less mass) object will accelerate further than a larger object (more mass).
a) Newton's 1st Law (Law of Inertia)
b) Newton's 2nd Law (F=MA)
c) Newton's 3rd Law (Action/Reaction)
d) None of the above

The wind presses against the sails of a sailboat and the sailboat presses back, moving the sailboat in the opposite direction.
a) Newton's 1st Law (Law of Inertia)
b) Newton's 2nd Law (F=MA)
c) Newton's 3rd Law (Action/Reaction)
d) None of the above

A sailboat is unable to move without the wind.
a) Newton's 1st Law (Law of Inertia)
b) Newton's 2nd Law (F=MA)
c) Newton's 3rd Law (Action/Reaction)
d) None of the above

If a sailboat is too heavy, the wind will be unable to move it.
a) Newton's 1st Law (Law of Inertia)
b) Newton's 2nd Law (F=MA)
c) Newton's 3rd Law (Action/Reaction)
d) None of the above

The wind will move a sailboat in the same direction until gravity, or another outside force stops it.
a) Newton's 1st Law (Law of Inertia)
b) Newton's 2nd Law (F=MA)
c) Newton's 3rd Law (Action/Reaction)
d) None of the above

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