Principles And Documents Review Question Preview (ID: 53793)

SOL CE.2 Fundamental Principles And Documents That Influenced The Constitution. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The mayor of your city is arrested for stealing a car. This is an example of which principle?
a) Consent of the governed
b) Representative government
c) Rule of law
d) Democracy

Which statement is the best example of the principle of consent of the governed?
a) We the People... do ordain and establish..
b) The Congress shall assemble at least once every year
c) All bills for raising revenue must start in the House of Representatives
d) No person except a natural born citizen shall be eligible to run for President

Which document served as a model for the US Bill of Rights?
a) VA Statute for Religious Freedom
b) VA Declaration of Rights
c) Declaration of Independence
d) Charters for the Virginia Company of London

Which document did not influence the writing of the US Constitution?
a) VA Declaration of Rights
b) the Magna Carta
c) US Bill of Rights
d) Declaration of Independence

The Charters of the Virginia Company of London guaranteed the colonists their rights as-
a) Englishmen
b) Frenchmen
c) Germanmen
d) Indians

Unalienable rights are defined as-
a) life, liberty, freedom
b) life, liberty, free speech
c) liberty, happiness, right to bear arms
d) life, liberty, pursuit of happiness

No one is above the law is an example of which principle?
a) Consent of the governed
b) Rule of law
c) Limited government
d) Democracy

Which of the following is the main reason the Articles failed?
a) no power to make laws
b) no power to tax and enforce laws
c) no power to tax tea
d) no power to tax imports

The Articles of Confederation did all of the following except-
a) establish a legislative branch
b) create a strong central government
c) did not allow tax collection from states
d) give the most power to individual states

A system of government in which the people elect senators and representatives is called
a) Democracy
b) Representative government
c) Rule of Law
d) Limited government

Which early document stated our grievances against the king, affirmed our unalienable rights, and affirmed that all people are created equal?
a) US Constitution
b) VA Declaration of Rights
c) Declaration of Independence
d) Magna Carta

The principal cannot make students eat broccoli for lunch everyday. This is an example of which fundamental principle?
a) Rule of law
b) Limited government
c) Democracy
d) Representative government

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