Hinduism Question Preview (ID: 53774)

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Re-birth of a soul in a new body
a) Reincarnation
b) Moksha
c) Atman
d) Brahman

The world soul, that united all together
a) Brahman
b) Vishnu
c) Shiva
d) Brahma

The end of reincarnations and the ultimate goal of Hinduism
a) Moksha
b) Dharma
c) Karma
d) Samsara

Social hierarchy, established at birth, determined by karma
a) Caste
b) Class
c) Reservation System
d) Atman

The lowest caste, often called the Untouchables
a) Dalits
b) Shudras
c) Vaisyas
d) Brahmin

The holy text of Hinduism
a) Vedas
b) Sermons
c) Upanishads
d) Sadhus

The individual soul, which is re-born into different bodies
a) Atman
b) Brahman
c) Brahmin
d) Bodhi

The correct way of living, which include right thought, action, and devotion
a) Dharma
b) Karma
c) Rituals
d) Sacrifices

An affirmative action to give lower castes more opportunities in government and eductaion
a) Reservations
b) Karma
c) Scholarships
d) Welfare

The concept that good deeds follow the soul into the next life, impacting caste, health, and wealth.
a) Karma
b) Reincarnation
c) Samsara
d) Dharma

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