Complete Sentences Question Preview (ID: 53773)

Identify The Subject And Predicate Of Each Sentence. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which one is the predicate of the sentence? The firefighter saved the boy from the building.
a) The firefighter
b) saved the boy
c) from the building
d) saved the boy from the building.

What is the subject of this sentence? The firefighter saved the boy from the building.
a) the boy
b) the firefighter
c) the building
d) saved the boy

What is the subject of this sentence? Joy and Emily had a sleepover.
a) Emily
b) Joy
c) Joy and Emily
d) sleepover

What is the predicate of this sentence? Joy and Emily had a sleepover.
a) had a sleepover
b) Joy and Emily
c) a sleepover
d) had

Which one is a complete sentence?
a) Judy is.
b) And ran to the store.
c) susan walked home after school
d) Jonathan jumped over the puddle of water.

Which one is NOT a complete sentence?
a) Susanna was doing a cartwheel.
b) Adam ate twelve donuts.
c) The rainforest.
d) Harry twisted his broom to avoid the quaffle.

Which one is NOT a sentence?
a) Therese went shopping
b) Leah ran down the stairs carefully avoiding the creaking floorboards.
c) Hermione walked through the common room door.
d) The children were smiling.

Which one is NOT a complete sentence?
a) Hagrid baked Harry a cake.
b) The tree's branches swayed in the breeze.
c) The hamburgers were cold when they were delivered.
d) january was a cold month.

What is this sentence missing? many pieces of candy were missing.
a) subject
b) predicate
c) Capital letter at the beginning of the sentence
d) endmark

What is the sentence missing? Judges on the bench.
a) subject
b) predicate
c) Capital Letter
d) endmark

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