Religion Grade 7 Chapter 4 Question Preview (ID: 53757)

Chapter 4. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In this book, we read about God's Freeing the Israelites.
a) Exodus
b) Genesis
c) Numbers
d) Acts of the Apostles

In the Bible this is a solemn agreement between God and his people
a) covenant
b) commandment
c) account
d) an ark

This is God's plan and protection of all creation
a) providence
b) Jesus
c) Moses
d) plan

God's love for humankind is everlasting
a) true
b) false

This is the greatest sign of God's love
a) Jesus Christ
b) Moses
c) Noah
d) Abraham

God is merciful and gives us laws out of love
a) true
b) false

How many accounts of creation are found in the Bible?
a) two
b) one
c) three
d) four

God promised this person his descendants would make a great nation
a) Abraham
b) Noah
c) Issac
d) Jacob

This person was on Mount Sinai for forty days and nights
a) Moses
b) Abraham
c) Noah
d) Jacob

Human beings have always been faithful to God.
a) false
b) true

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