MWS Fall Exam Review Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 53749)

Unit 4-5 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why was the Balkan Peninsula in Europe regarded by many as a powder keg prior to the Great war?
a) Ottoman troops were gathering at the border.
b) Germany fought Austria-Hungary for control of the region.
c) Bosnia-Herzegovina wanted to take over Serbia to become one Slavic nation.
d) Nationalism was expanding in the region which led to rising tensions.

New weapons and technology lead to what during World War 1?
a) A reduction in the number of casualties in the war.
b) A reduction in the spending cost for each nation in the war.
c) A prolonged war and greatly increased the number of casualties in the war.
d) A faster end to the war because soldiers refused to fight with such deadly warfare.

Woodrow Wilson created the League of Nations as a part of his Fourteen Points. What was the goal of the League of Nations?
a) To prevent future wars from breaking out and maintain peace
b) To force members to fight against each other in future wars
c) To spread democracy to other countries
d) To hold Germany accountable for its actions during the war

Revolutions are often caused by turmoil within a country. The Russian revolution of 1917 was no different. Identify the major cause for the Russian revolution in the list below.
a) Czar Nicholas II was related to the King of England
b) Sharp economic differences between the peasants and nobility
c) The marriage of the Czar to a German Princess
d) The defeat of Germany in the Russian campaign

The Bolshevik Revolt against the provisional government in Russia was mainly led by
a) Josef Stalin and Czar Nicholas
b) Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx
c) Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin
d) Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky

Why did the Revolution in Russia continue after Lenin took over and implemented a Communist government?
a) Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points allowed for the revolution to continue
b) There was an ongoing Civil War between the Red Army and White Army in Russia Comment: (given as feedback)
c) The Russians were still involved in WWI and therefore unable to end the revolution
d) The Czar refused to give up his power to Lenin

The systematic killing of millions of Jewish people and other ethnic groups by the Nazis is referred to as
a) Kristallnacht
b) Anti-semitism
c) Concentration Camps
d) The Holocaust

Before World War II began the Axis powers used aggressive action. What is an example of this aggressive action?
a) Massacre of thousands of people in Germany
b) Assassinating the Archduke
c) Invading Ethiopia, Manchuria, and the Rhineland
d) Bombing US embassies in Europe

Hardships were felt by people throughout the world during the Great Depression and led to new types of political thinking. What types of political thinking arose due to the hardships during the Great Depression?
a) Fascism and militarism
b) Theocracy and monarchy
c) Democracy and capitalism
d) Communism and socialism

The United States use of the atomic bomb in Japan resulted in
a) The UniteStates emerged as the only superpower after Japan was bombed
b) Japan's immediate surrender and the end of World War II
c) Germany vowing to avenge the bombing and nuclear warfare became the norm
d) Japan continued to fight back and the war continued

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