Potential And Kinetic Energy Question Preview (ID: 53628)

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Pattern of data that shows greater increase with passing time.
a) exponential growth
b) proportional
c) kinetic energy formula
d) potential energy

(In mathematics) having a constant ratio to another quantity
a) velocity
b) proportional
c) mass x velocity
d) exponential growth

the kinetic energy formula is:
a) mass times velocity (m x V)
b) 1/2 mass times velocity squared (1/2m x v2)
c) 1/2 mass plus velocity squared (1/2m + v2)
d) 1/2 mass divided by velocity (1/2m / V)

Process where there is a change in energy from one form to another
a) kinetic energy
b) potential energy
c) energy transfer
d) energy conversion

Process where energy is moved from one place to another
a) kinetic energy
b) potential energy
c) energy transfer
d) energy conversion

Force of attraction between any two masses
a) potential energy
b) gravity
c) kinetic energy
d) energy conversion

Energy stored in an object based on its position
a) kinetic energy
b) potential energy
c) energy transfer
d) energy conversion

makes stuff happen
a) gravity
b) kinetic
c) energy
d) potential

Energy of motion
a) kinetic energy
b) potential energy
c) energy transfer
d) energy conversion

a roller-coaster at the top of a hill has
a) potential energy
b) kinetic energy
c) energy transfer
d) energy conversion

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