Earths Landscapes Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 53627)
Vocabulary Words.
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evidence of past life on Earth
a) Paleontology
b) fossil
c) silt
d) bone bed
A place in California located 100 miles away from the Pacific Ocean on dry land and we find fossils of marine life like whales, sharks, dolphins and turtles below the surface.
a) sharktooth hill
b) shark mountain
c) ocean hill
d) dolphin mountain
The branch of science that studies fossils of animals and plants.
a) paleontology
b) biology
c) chemistry
d) geology
Fine sand, clay, or other material carried by moving water and deposited at the bottom of a body of water like the ocean.
a) sedimentary rock
b) erosion
c) silt
d) fossils
made when sand and mud gets laid down in layers. Over time, these layers are squashed under more and more layers.
a) sedimentary rock
b) sharktooth hill
c) fossil layers
d) paleontologist
A layer in the earth containing large quantities of fossilized animal remains.
a) mantle
b) crust
c) bone bed
d) outer core
A method for determining the age of an object that is thousands of years old such as a fossil. It uses the element carbon to do this.
a) non-renewable energy
b) fossil record
c) paleontology
d) radiocarbon dating
all the visible features of the earth’s surface.
a) crust
b) earth's landscapes
c) rock layers
d) sharktooth hill
Located in Arizona, this landscape was carved by the Colorado River over millions of years and is one of the best examples of weathering and erosion.
a) grand canyon
b) rocky mountains
c) death valley
d) sharktook hill
After pieces of the earth are broken down through weathering, those pieces are moved through
a) more weathering
b) erosion
c) deposition
d) natural disasters
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