2nd Six Weeks Review Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 53620)

World Geography - North America, Central America And South America. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Canada and US share the longest unguarded border. They share the Great Lakes, Niagara Falls,and
a) Rocky Mountains
b) Appalachian Mountains
c) Gulf of Mexico
d) Mississippi River

New France was important because it spread French culture in the New World and it
a) was a place to send criminals
b) was a place to relax
c) was a place that provided goods and money
d) was a place where France could fight with the Indians

A positive effect of Ecuador's oil industry is
a) pollution
b) jobs
c) less jobs
d) cleaner energy

The Llanos of South America has less trees than the rainforest because
a) it rains more in the Llanos
b) it rains more in the rainforest
c) It does not rain at all in the Llanos
d) It rains the same amount at the rainforest

Economically developed countries include
a) low GDP and low standard of living
b) high GDP and good standard of living
c) good standard of living
d) none of the above

Longest River in North America
a) Rio Bravo
b) Amazon river
c) Mississippi River
d) Nile River

Thomas Jefferson wrote the
a) Constitution
b) Bill of Rights
c) Declaration of Independence
d) Articles of Confederation

James Madison wrote the ______________________ in 1787
a) Bill of Rights
b) Declaration of Independence
c) Pledge of Allegiance
d) Constitution

The Six Weeks Exam is on
a) Monday
b) Tuesday
c) Wednesday
d) Thursday

Spain influenced Mexico's language, religion, and culture
a) True
b) False

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