Freedom To Choose Question Preview (ID: 53614)
Freedom To Choose.
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God Created man as a rational being and gave him the gift of human freedom. Freedom is:
a) The highest power of movement
b) The arbitrary act of choosing things from a list of choices
c) The power to always get what you want
d) The ability to do whatever you want, even if it goes against a rule or social norm
Human freedom is rooted in
a) the imagination and emotion, giving man the ability to choose to dream big
b) reason and will. It is the power to act or not to act, and to perform deliberate actions on one's own responsibility.
c) original sin
d) God's desire for us to do whatever we want at all times
Human freedom is directed by
a) passions and emotions
b) fear of being unhappy
c) reason, the intellectual, cognitive poser of the soul.
d) wanting things even if we are not supposed to have them.
Human freedom is rooted in the human will, which is
a) a desire that always tends toward whatever is evil
b) a faculty of the soul that seeks the good and tends away from evils
c) different than the ability to choose what is right or wrong
d) the result of Adam and Eve's original sin
What does the intellect do?
a) make us believe in God
b) helps us with our feelings
c) a faculty of the soul that tends toward the good and away from evils
d) The spiritual power of cognition, giving the ability to think, reason and make judgments about what is good and evil
Our public worship together
a) Liturgy
b) Hail Mary
c) Community Service
d) Doing good deeds
The Gospel readings for October and November are from this Gospel writer
a) Matthew
b) Mark
c) Luke
d) John
Actions and attitudes that seek the greatest good for the most people in society
a) looking out for yourself
b) obeying your senses, desires, thoughts, and feelings only
c) only following the rules while in school
d) common good
We offer the Prayer of the --- for the Church, world, and other needs
a) Glory Be
b) Faithful
c) Our Father
d) Profession of Faith
A book of wise sayings in the Bible
a) Job
b) Wisdom
c) Mark
d) Revelation
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