All About American Indians-the First People Of North America Question Preview (ID: 53596)
Unit 2.
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Cactus Hill was an important archaeological find because
a) it proved that people lived in Virginia many years before they thought
b) they found new dinosaurs
c) they figured out how to make better ships
d) it showed that there were recipes to make
Archaeologists study
a) remains that were left by previous civilizations
b) math
c) spelling
d) the oceans
The Kwakiutl lived in the
a) Pacific Northwest
b) the desert
c) the Great Plains
d) Eastern woodlands
The Kwakiutl had ceremonies for the birth of a baby and birthdays called
a) Potlatch
b) Thanksgiving
c) New Year's Eve
d) Christmas
The Lakota lived in the
a) Great Plains
b) eastern woodlands
c) Nottaway river
d) Arctic region
The Lakota built _____ as homes.
a) teepees
b) igloos
c) longhouses
d) adobe homes
Iroquois lived in
a) Eastern woodlands(Upstate New York)
b) Arctic region
c) Pacific Northwest
d) the Southwest (desert)
The Inuit lived in the cold
a) Arctic region
b) Southwest
c) eastern woodlands
d) Nottaway River
The Pueblo lived in adobe(mud and clay) houses in the
a) Southwest (desert)
b) Nottaway River
c) Arctic region
d) Great Plains
Cactus Hill archaeological site is located on what river?
a) Nottaway River
b) James River
c) Mississipppi River
d) Patrick River
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