Spine Labels Question Preview (ID: 53588)
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The white label you see on the spine of the books is called a...
a) barcode.
b) price tag
c) genre label
A spine label can be found on the
a) front cover.
b) back cover.
c) spine of the book.
d) title page.
A spine label tells us...
a) whether the books is fiction or non-fiction.
b) the author of the book.
c) where to find the book on the shelves.
d) all of the facts in the other choices.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets is a chapter book with a spine label of FIC ROW. It is...
a) fiction
b) non-fiction
The first line on the spine label of a chapter book is/are...
a) FIC
b) E
c) Dewey Decimal numbers
What is on the bottom line of a spine label on a chapter book?
a) The first three letters of the author's last name.
b) The title of the book.
c) The first three letters of the author's first name.
d) The name of the publisher.
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! is a picture book. It is in the _______ section.
a) E
b) FIC
c) Dewey Decimal (non-fiction)
Books with an E on the top of the spine label are...
a) Everybody books.
b) non-fiction.
c) chapter books.
What is on the bottom of the spine label on an E book?
a) The first two letters of the author's last name.
b) The title of the book.
c) The first two letters of the author's first name.
On a spine label, numbers mean...
a) non-fiction.
b) new books.
c) fiction.
d) nothing.
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