Using Dialogue Question Preview (ID: 53585)

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In narrative text or dialogue, what does a comma (,) indicate?
a) A break in the sentence
b) A pause or hesitation
c) An interruption
d) An end to the thought

What do you use quotation marks around?
a) The speaker's actual words
b) The thoughts of the main character
c) The speaker's inner feelings
d) The thoughts of the narrator

When you create dialogue, what must you give each new speaker?
a) Beginning tagline
b) New paragraph
c) Comma
d) Ellipsis

Which of the following is not a reason to use dialogue in a story?
a) Move the story forward
b) Keep reader interest
c) Develop characters
d) Slow the action

Which of the following excerpts is structured correctly?
a) She wants to go outside . . . and walk the dog. Jesse said.
b) She wants to go outside, said Jesse. And walk the dog.
c) She wants to go outside, Jesse said, and walk the dog.
d) Jesse said she wants to go outside, and walk the dog.

Which punctuation mark should go in the underlined space to show a break in the speech? Michael said, Let's find the ___
a) ... (ellipses)
b) - (em dash)
c) . (period)
d) , (comma)

Which punctuation mark should go in the underlined space to show a pause in the dialogue? I need to go to the store later___ and stop by the salon for a haircut, said Sarah.
a) ... (ellipses)
b) - (em dash)
c) . (period)
d) , (comma)

Which punctuation mark should go in the underlined space to show a long pause? Maybe she left because she's mad at me___ or do you think I'm overthinking things? asked Robbie.
a) ... (ellipses)
b) - (em dash)
c) . (period)
d) , (comma)

Which of the following sentences is structured correctly?
a) Do you think . . . Jasmine asked, I should cut my hair to my chin or only trim it?
b) Do you think— Jasmine asked, I should cut my hair to my chin or only trim it?
c) Jasmine asked, Do you think I should cut my hair to my chin, or only trim it?
d) Jasmine asked, do you think I should cut my hair to my chin or only trim it?

Which of the following sentences is structured correctly?
a) Nathan said I'm really sorry.
b) Nathan said—I'm really sorry.
c) Nathan said, I'm really sorry . . .
d) Nathan said—I'm really sorry . . .

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