Unit !2 Question Preview (ID: 53581)

Game For Unit 12 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

what was the purpose of barbed wire
a) keep cattle in one spot, stop them from roaming
b) mark off land
c) protect territory
d) hurt Plains tribe who were trying to take land

what did the Fort Laramie Treaty do
a) Plains agreed to not mess harass Western and they were given Dakota land
b) solved conflict caused by Mexico
c) ended the Great Sioux war
d) made Indians move to Canada

What was Ghost dance about
a) religion
b) war
c) culture
d) dance of the indian tribes

war between the US and indians that forced them to move to Canada or live on reservations
a) Indian-American war
b) Battles of the Plains
c) Great Sioux War
d) Idk

what did cowboys do
a) ride horses
b) ride cows
c) herd and watch over cattle
d) own a farm

what country did most of the workers on the railroad come from
a) Europe
b) China
c) Germany
d) Britian

what does open range mean
a) cattle roamed freely
b) place to practice shooting guns
c) hunting field
d) a plain

transcontinental railroad
a) gave immigrants jobs
b) made transportation faster
c) connected East and West coast
d) all of the above

people who came from China to work in the United States
a) immigrants
b) Chinese laborers
c) employees

what battle ended the Great Sioux war that killed 300 of the Sioux men
a) Avocado battle
b) Sitting bull
c) Aztec town takeover
d) Wounded Knee

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