Cell Cycle Question Preview (ID: 53576)

Cell Cycle Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is not a phase of mitosis?
a) Anaphase
b) Telophase
c) Metaphase
d) Interphase

The longest phase of the cell cycle is what?
a) Interphase
b) Metaphase
c) Prophase
d) Anaphase

Three main stages of the cell cycle include:
a) Interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis
b) Interphase, prophase, telephase
c) Mitosis, metaphase, prophase
d) Cytokinesis, anaphase, telephase

In which stage of the cell cycle do the chromosomes (DNA) get copied?
a) Interphase
b) Anaphase
c) Telephase
d) Cytokinesis

What the things that look like X's that line up in the middle of metaphase called?
a) Spindle fibers
b) Metaphase
c) Centrioles
d) Chromosomes (DNA)

During cytokinesis the identical cells formed are known as what?
a) Son cells
b) Chromosomes
c) Parental cells
d) Daughter cells

What is the end product of mitosis?
a) No cells
b) Two different cells
c) Two identical cells
d) Three identical cells

What structure inside the cell helps pull the chromosomes apart?
a) Cytoplasm
b) Spindle fibers
c) Nucleus
d) Centromere

The number of chromosomes you have in every cell of your body.
a) 23
b) 46
c) 8
d) 2

During which stage of mitosis do the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell?
a) Metaphase
b) Prophase
c) Telophase
d) Interphase

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