Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory Systems Question Preview (ID: 53573)

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These microscopic air sacs in the lungs are where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged.
a) arteries
b) veins
c) heart
d) alveoli

These blood vessels take blood away from the heart
a) arteries
b) veins
c) heart
d) alveoli

This 4 chambered muscular organ pumps blood
a) arteries
b) veins
c) heart
d) alveoli

These organs expand and shrink to keep air in while gas exchange occurs
a) kidneys
b) lungs
c) diaphragm
d) small intestine

The ____ is a dome shaped musce when it is relaxed that helps change the size of the chest cavity while breathing.
a) kidneys
b) lungs
c) diaphragm
d) small intestine

____________ is the discharge of waste from the body.
a) absorption
b) excretion
c) digestion
d) gas exchange

_________ are bean-shaped organs that create and excrete urine.
a) kidneys
b) lungs
c) diaphragm
d) small intestine

____________ is the process by which nutrient molecules are passed from the digestive system into blood.
a) absorption
b) excretion
c) digestion
d) gas exchange

What is the main role of the Circulatory System
a) break down food
b) transport materials
c) Gas exchange
d) eliminate waste

___________ is the process the body uses to break down food.
a) absorption
b) excretion
c) digestion
d) gas exchange

What three processes take place in the digestive system?
a) break down of food to nutrients, absorption, excretion
b) try, try, again
c) transport of materials, keeping and storing
d) gas, liquid, solid

This number represents a typical or central value
a) sum
b) average
c) total
d) difference

These are substances your body needs and gets by breaking down food
a) absorption
b) fats
c) nutients
d) calorie

A _________ is a unit of energy that describes how much energy the body can get from eating or drinking certain foods.
a) absorption
b) fats
c) nutients
d) calorie

These blood vessels return blood to the heart
a) arteries
b) veins
c) heart
d) alveoli

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