SS8H2de Quiz Question Preview (ID: 53560)

Royal Georgia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Once restrictions on land ownership and slavery were taken away, Georgia began to thrive economically.
a) True
b) False

Slavery was banned from the colony during which time period?
a) Trustee period
b) Royal colony period
c) Neither
d) both

The colonists had a larger role in government during which period?
a) Trustee Period
b) Royal colony period
c) neither
d) both

The colony was under King George's II's dominion during which period?
a) Trustee period
b) Royal colony period
c) neither
d) both

How many royal governors did Georgia have during the royal colony period
a) none
b) one
c) two
d) three

After the Charter of 1732 expired, Georgia became
a) a royal colony
b) independent
c) Trustee colony
d) none of the above

Which of the following was NOT an important cash crop for Georgia's economy during the royal colony time period?
a) rice
b) tobacco
c) wheat
d) cotton

Georgia's enslaved African population grew dramatically from less than 500 in 1750 to 18,000 in 1775
a) true
b) false

What good did the colonists unsuccessfully attempt to produce that was later replaced by the production of cotton?
a) Indigo
b) tobacco
c) silk
d) rice

Who was the first royal governor?
a) Henry Ellis
b) James Wright
c) John Reynolds

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