Sound Energy Test Question Preview (ID: 53551)

Sound Energy. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Sound is a form of energy that is produced by _____________ objects.
a) vibrating
b) falling
c) burning
d) visible

Sound travels through _______________.
a) empty space
b) matter
c) light
d) nothing

The loudness or softness of a sound is ______________.
a) Pitch
b) Volume
c) Vibration
d) Sound

Movement of an object back and forth or up and down is ___________.
a) Pitch
b) Volume
c) Vibration
d) Sound

A form of energy that is caused by vibrating objects is ___________.
a) Pitch
b) Volume
c) Vibration
d) Sound

How high or low a sound is refers to ____________.
a) Pitch
b) Volume
c) Vibration
d) Sound

In which state of matter does sound move fastest?
a) Solid
b) Liquid
c) Gas
d) Empty space

Sound can be heard in outer space.
a) True
b) False

Which would produce a high pitch sound?
a) Bird chirping
b) Great Dane (dog) barking
c) Tuba
d) Grown man talking

Which sound would produce a low pitch sound?
a) Bird chirping
b) Flute
c) Baby crying
d) Tuba

Which would produce a low volume sound?
a) Yelling
b) Whispering
c) Rock concert
d) Baby crying

Which would produce a high volume sound?
a) Rock concert
b) Library
c) Whisper
d) Mouse squeak

A student is listening to the radio but can barely hear the music being played. What can the student do to hear the radio better?
a) move closer to the radio
b) move further away from the radio
c) turn the volume down on the radio
d) turn the radio off

How does sound reach our ears?
a) air cools down
b) air heats up
c) air vibrates
d) air slows down

A thick rubber band will produce a lower pitch sound that a thin rubber band.
a) True
b) False

In which state of matter does sound move slowest?
a) Gas
b) Solid
c) Liquid
d) It's all the same

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