Unit 2 - Civics - 3 Branches Question Preview (ID: 53494)

3 Branches Of Government. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

the branch of government responsible for executing or enforcing the law
a) executive branch
b) judicial branch
c) legislative branch
d) foreign branch

plan for guiding our nation's relationship with other countries
a) foreign policy
b) executive policy
c) domestic policy
d) administrative policy

official representative to a foreign government
a) ambassador
b) executive
c) domestic aide
d) cabinet member

agreements with other countries that do not need Senate approval
a) executive agreements
b) domestic agreements
c) foreign agreements
d) judicial agreements

plans for dealing with national problems
a) domestic policy
b) foreign policy
c) legislative policy
d) cabinet policy

an organization of government departments, agencies, and offices
a) bureaucracy
b) domesticity
c) cabinet
d) prosecution

a team of executive officials appointed by each president
a) administration
b) jury of peers
c) interest group
d) lobbyists

an important group of policy advisors to the President
a) cabinet
b) plaintiff
c) congressional district
d) bureau

the people a member of Congress represents
a) constituents
b) cabinet
c) jury of peers
d) defendants

an officer who presides over the Senate when the vice president is absent
a) president pro tempore
b) president of jury
c) filibuster president
d) cabinet president

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