Unit 5 Review Question Preview (ID: 53481)

American Government Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The First Amendment is an example of _______?
a) The Bill of Rights
b) Protecting Civil liberties
c) Protecting voting rights
d) Protecting freedom of education

People in the United States enjoy freedom of speech. This freedom is protected by the ______.
a) Declaration of Independence.
b) Bill of Rights.
c) Emancipation Proclamation.
d) Articles of Confederation.

What effect did the African American civil rights movement have on other minority groups in the United States?
a) It brought about antidiscrimination legislation that applied to other groups.
b) The backlash caused other minority groups to limit the use of civil disobedience.
c) It convinced other groups to create one united civil rights movement.
d) It convinced other groups to minimize the use of protests to end discrimination.

The Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education (1954) _________.
a) permitted affirmative action in admission to colleges.
b) ended Bible reading and prayer in public schools.
c) outlawed racial segregation in public schools.
d) authorized schools to censor student newspapers.

Freedom of speech does not protect a person who _____.
a) criticizes the mayor in a public meeting.
b) slanders another person publicly.
c) wishes to speak against the government.
d) demonstrates against tax increases.

Which of these Supreme Court decisions established the doctrine of separate but equal?
a) Plessy v. Ferguson
b) Marbury v. Madison
c) Tinker v. Des Moines School District
d) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

How did the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka affect the Court’s earlier decision in Plessy v. Ferguson?
a) The Court overturned the separate but equal doctrine in schools.
b) The Court approved schools requiring students to wear uniforms.
c) The Court ruled that school officials must show reasonable cause for making a search.
d) The Court upheld the decision that it is illegal for school officials to restrict freedom of expression

Which statement became a slogan for the Civil Rights Movement following the March on Washington in 1963?
a) I Have a Dream!
b) A Brave New World
c) Give Peace A Chance
d) Back to the drawing board

The roles of African Americans and women have changed. How did the Fifteenth Amendment change these roles?
a) This amendment brought freedom to both African Americans and white women.
b) This amendment allowed African Americans and women to work outside the home in order to earn money.
c) This amendment gave white women the right to a public education, but African Americans were not given that right.
d) This amendment gave African-American men the right to vote, but women were still denied the vote.

The efforts of Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt were recognized when American women were able to __________.
a) volunteer to help the needy.
b) move into executive positions.
c) exercise their voting rights.
d) attend graduate and professional schools.

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