Colonization In North America Question Preview (ID: 53460)

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What is a settler?
a) a person that moves to an area, usually to colonize
b) a person that has always lived in a specific area
c) a person that moves around a lot
d) a person that is very religious

Puritans were
a) very religious people who wanted the Church of England to be more pure
b) people that did not want to attend church
c) people that farmed for money
d) very famous people

One reason that people left England was that they were
a) fleeing political persecution
b) trying to find a spouse
c) looking for a very hard life
d) afraid of change

The New England colonies were
a) Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire
b) Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, South Carolina, and Georgia
c) Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey
d) Delaware, Virginia, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire

A charter is
a) a settler
b) an official paper from the king or queen giving someone permission to do something
c) a colony
d) a bill of sale

New England colonies had the natural resources of
a) timber, fish, and whales
b) tobacco, fish, cotton
c) cotton, indigo, and timber
d) squash, beans, and indigo

A refuge is
a) things that you throw away
b) a safe place
c) cattle
d) blankets

The most diverse group of colonies was
a) the best colonies
b) the New England colonies
c) the Southern colonies
d) the Middle colonies

The Middle colonies were called the Bread Basket because
a) they produce many wheats and grains
b) they were basket-shaped
c) they owed everyone money
d) they were the most diverse

A large part of the workforce of the Southern colonies was
a) Puritan women
b) small children
c) large landowners
d) African slaves

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